This plum is very different
from any other improved breeds. With the history
of about 2000 years as a traditional endemic
plum, this plum is very strong botanically
and has 4 times of calcium, 6 times of iron,
7 times of magnesium, and 5 times of zinc
in an apple. Of course citric acids in a plum
are much more than the contents of an apple.
Usually people say endemic plums have big
seeds in the middle of fruits and less flesh
of fruits and hence those are not suitable
for making processed and/or preserved foods.
This is why usually people select an improved
breed of plums. However, they do not know
the value of Songgwang Seoljungmae. Songgwang
Seoljungmae dares to have enough flesh of
fruits and be very suitable for food making.